Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A long overdue update

We are probably way over-due for an update, so here you are:

Megan's recovery is progressing nicely. Yesterday we met with Dr. McSteamy for a follow-up and everything is running as smoothly as can be expected. One of Megan's drains was removed (only 2 left), so that's a good thing. In the weeks leading up to Megan's surgery, Dr. McSteamy sufficiently scared us into being incredibly deliberate with all-things-drain-care related and so far it's paying off. He remarked that it was obvious we were taking his earlier recommendations seriously as each of the drains, skin around the drains and incisions were being well-cared for. We've got another appointment with him on Friday and with a little bit of luck, one more will be ready to be removed.

That all said, Megan hasn't been feeling as well as she would like. She's taking an antibiotic that doesn't exactly agree with her, but she will be done with the entire prescription by this time tomorrow, so at least the end is in sight.

And now, just because Jocelyn asked, here's another Tale from the hospital:

I already mentioned that first thing on Wednesday morning Megan met with Dr. McSteamy. The purpose of that quick visit was for McSteamy to draw on Megan his recommended "entry points" for the oncological surgeon to use as guidance. Naturally, the oncological surgeon's job is to remove the cancer, but, as McSteamy explained, there are a number of ways that he can do that and these markings would be McSteamy's preference in terms of making for the best reconstruction. Why would I possibly want to write about this? Well, it was kind of amusing to see.

Dr. McSteamy would one moment be looking at Megan from several feet away, thumb raised upwards, eyes squinted, like Picasso working on his next masterpiece. Without warning, he would morph into Bill Belichick drawing his latest pass route, only Megan's chest served as the white board. There's Randy Moss and Wes Welker setting up on each sideline preparing to run posting routes. In the backfield, I could see Sammy Morris and Lawrence Maroney preparing for a handoff or a quick out. And somewhere in the cleavage is Tom Brady, and that can't be good the way he's grabbing his leg.

Following surgery (and again at yesterday's appointment), Dr. McSteamy was full of enthusiasm and very happy with both his work, and the work that the oncological surgeon did based on his playbook/cubist masterpiece. Touchdown!!!!


kathy said...

Great analogy Rusty, sounds like things are going as planned. Hope Megan feels better after she comes off the antibiotic. Thinking of both of you each day. Love Aunt Kathy

Unknown said...

How did they fit all those people in the exam room!?