Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For...

I'm not sure if I've used that title before, but that sure sounds good. Before I get to the meat of the story, I just wanted to say that about a month ago, I was playing with the settings on my blog and I enabled anonymous commenting. What does that mean to you? Well, a few of you have mentioned that you weren't able to set things up to reply to blog posts, so hopefully this should make it easier for you. Sorry it took me so long. And please don't say mean things anonymously. ;-)

Anyway, so on to the title of this blog post... well, my friend Christina was saying that she has been disappointed that I haven't blogged in awhile (she even remembered the date of my last post!). So, I decided that I would get off my non-blogging butt and write something. Sorry, Christina, I hope you're not mad. Now you get to be the subject of the post... :-)

Every year, Rusty and I throw a Labor-Free Labor Day Party on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. It's the perfect day to have it because we have one day to prepare for it and one day to clean up after it (though sometimes I feel like I could use a whole week to clean up after it). Anyway, this year it was kind of tough, because as you probably know it took forever to get a date for the surgery. I didn't want to invite everyone over if I was going to be recovering, but we were afraid that if we waited until the last minute, someone else would have a party.

But, it was totally out of our control and that's exactly what happened. One of Rusty's fraternity brothers had a party at his home in Rhode Island from Sunday to Monday of Labor Day weekend. This was kind of a blessing, because I wasn't really up for hosting 40+ people this year (which is about how many people we can expect to show up at various points during the day). So, we did have a much smaller party with close friends. If you didn't get invited I apologize. But just think, if you got invited I might be spending this blog post teasing you. :-)

So, anyway, one of the families we invited was Christina, her husband, and their two children. I spoke to her a couple of days before the party just to make sure she knew that her children were welcome to come, and I was looking forward to seeing them at the party. Then came the day of the party. I was kind of surprised when they didn't show by 3 or 4 o'clock, then at one point I realized it was 9 o'clock at night (yes, I do remember 9 o'clock at night) and they never came. I was a little disappointed but I figured that it was such a nice day they maybe decided to do something else with their children that day.

The next morning after I finally got out of bed, Rusty and I went out for breakfast and came back to take on the task of the Big Cleanup. Honestly, it wasn't that bad because Rusty cleaned up most of it the night before, but there was still a bit left to do. We were carrying a few things inside, when Rusty said,

"Hey, is that Christina?"

It took me a few seconds to get it, but he said "Oh, this is funny." They were getting out of the car, and then Rusty and I just started laughing. I yelled from the back yard,

"You guys realize our party was yesterday, right?"

I think they initially thought we were kidding. It was rather amusing. That's never happened to me before, but I can kind of see how it could happen. It was a Labor Day party, after all, and it wasn't exactly on Labor Day. We had a good laugh. Actually, we laughed for quite some time.

It's not exactly close for them, so they couldn't just say "oops, my bad" and go home. Well, we wouldn't let them do that, anyway. I couldn't imagine them coming all this way and then turning around and going back. So we had some lunch (BTW, the bread was awesome!), hung out and chatted for a couple of hours, and then they went home. As it is, I told them we would never have been able to enjoy their company as much at the actual party because there are SO many people to talk to and mingle with and I'm so bad at doing that anyway.

Christina did say that she wanted me to tell everyone that she didn't just blow us all off, so I figured I could kill two birds with one stone... She did complain that I hadn't written in awhile (check!) and she did want me to tell everyone that was at the party (check!). And now there's a little bit of public humiliation thrown in for good measure :-)

On a completely separate topic, I think I/we have decided how to say goodbye to my boobs. I've decided to participate as a dancer in an amateur night at a strip club.

JUST KIDDING :-) I think my mom just had a heart attack. My grandma probably did, too.

Anyway, it was Rusty's idea, but it was actually something I've also been thinking about. Back when I was in high school, one of my art projects was to make a Plaster of Paris cast of my face. I'm going to cast my boobs! This is way better than pictures because I'll always have a three-dimensional representation of them. I ordered the supplies, and hopefully I'll have it for this weekend. I don't really want to wait until the last day to do it.

So, thanks for reading, and I hope you're not mad, Christina.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I will admit, I had to read the sentence about the strip club act about three times. I was not quite awake this morning and I wanted to make sure I understood what you were saying. Phew!

I think its a great idea to make a mold. I wish I would've thought about that myself!

Love, Mom