Friday, May 9, 2008

The Bald and the Beautiful

Yeah, I said it... I LOVE my new hairdo! I am very tired today, so this should be a short post, but I wanted to share some action shots of this morning's haircut. The video lasts about 45 seconds, and for those who may not know, I wasn't the only one who cut my hair this morning...

What on earth did I do to deserve him? :-)


mum & dad Gray said...

Megan & Rusty, just goes to prove Bald IS Beautiful, and Marriages like yours ARE made in heaven!! We love, love, love your lack of locks! Hugs and love to you both,
mum & dad Gray

P.S. We are viewing your video at home on a dial-up line--thus making this appear like a Keystone-Cop-style movie!

Louise said...

Good Morning Megan and Rusty,
What can I say, except BEAUTIFUL!!!!. LOVE the new look. Stay sweet :-)

Melissa said...

I think you both look awesome.

Celine said...

Dear Megan.

Wow you look cute....Rusty you do too! (Kudos to you, Jay for being the camera man).

Today's picture features our family's bald designee. (My mother thinks it is amazing how her daughters pick bald men.) Denny is sitting with Pascal at our favorite hangout.. Lucy's Retired Surfers Bar. It's one of those neighborhood hangouts. Pascal and Denny (note there is no pink scarf on the hound) are bonding.

You both are amazing and look totally cute with the lack of locks. We are really proud of you.

Love and kisses
Celine, Denny & Pascal

Unknown said...

Lookin' sharp Rusty, although I prefer the pigtails. You two look so cute!!! Keep those bald heads warm :)

Unknown said...

You guys look FANTASTIC!!! Keep smiling!

Louise said...

Hi Megan,
So glad to see that you are feeling better....

(ascii equivalent of Whoo Hoo!!)


erica said...

Dear Megan,
You have such a pretty, and perfect head for your new hair style! You both are adorable;-)
Sending lots of kisses & elephanthugs to you both, erica