Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lame Post #1

I'm doing some research for a post that was requested by my sister, so I have less time to create the witty and insightful posts that require me to slave over the laptop for hours. :-) That, and I'm actually pretty busy at work (see, I told you sometimes I work).

So, instead I will give you a quick update on crappy chemo. I feel pretty good (see Tony the Tiger) but my hair is really starting to fall out. This sucks because I now have these little prickly hairs all over the place and they feel like fiberglass. But in a way it's good because now I don't have to shave my armpits. You see, when I started chemo, they told me I couldn't shave with a razor anymore because of the risk of infection. That, and if I cut myself my blood would have a hard time clotting. That's the silver lining, I suppose.

This is what you guys get for not helping me with writer's block ;-)


Maura said...

I thought it'd be lame to say but I think it is awesome you won't have to shave your legs for a while.

kathy said...

Meg, Glad to hear your still feeling GREAT. I think it's fantastic that your co-workers are standing behind you, I LOVED the group picture. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. GO SOX. LOVE, Auntie Kathy

Louise said...

Hi Megan,
Even at your "lamest", you're still a riot! I remember a story about you, Erica, pepere and fiberglass. I'll have to tell you about it when I see you. Good that your can see the silver lining. Keep looking for it. It suits you. Erica, Jim, and Jenn are walking for you tomorrow in the "Relay for Life." We'll be thinking about you.

Jeremy said...

Hi Megan,

I heard the news a couple weeks ago during one of my Thursday visits and I feel like a schmuck for not getting in touch with you sooner...

I am not at all surprised with how you're handling all of this. I can't imagine you doing anything any differently, and I am very proud of you. : ) As much as I miss you in the office, I agree that your transition has some divine intervention associated with it.

I am glad that you got your Red Sox bandana, at least as glad as I can be. : ) You are very lucky to have Rusty, your family and all your loving friends who will always be there for you.

The blog is awesome. Although, this is actually my first blog experience, so I really have nothing to compare it to... : )

Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. And if you are feeling up to it and have time, I'm sure Lucky's misses you, too!


Louise said...

Hi Megan,
Just checking in. Hope you're feeling okay today. Excited is good. Want to share?

Celine said...

Ok. Megan. Please tell us what you are excited about.
personally, I am excited about my upcoming trip to New England. My husband Denny has never been in the northeast and is looking forward to meeting you as well as the rest of my family. I have never seen a "smiley face" with teeth...... You must be really excited....

Love you hope to see you soon.


Fran said...

Hi ya Megan,

Finally got here to catch up on your beautiful pink blog. I'm very excited to read that the tumor has decreased in size. Yeah!!!

Thanks for sharing your experience, strenght and hope with all of us!

Looking forward to reading your next post.

I love you much,