Thursday, April 24, 2008

The shoe has dropped.

Alright. First things first. I am okay. Chemo went fine.

Now. I do feel a little bit like throwing up, so my post will be shorter and less humorous/insightful than usual. Well, at least I like to think that my posts are humorous and insightful.

The whole day took a little longer than we'd expected. My appointment started at 11:00 AM (with a 10:45 meeting with Mr. Wizard). Yeah, I don't think so. By the time they took me it was probably 11:30/11:45. But you know what? No big deal. I've learned to have patience and not sweat these things. In fact, that's what my sister wished for me today - patience. I thought it was odd at the time, now I'm glad I had enough of it :-)

have to worry about right now. Some It turns out that almost all the googling I did was for naught. Here are a list of things I read that I would have to do or worry about, but I have since found that I do not have to do them. Some become a factor later on, but most are either related to a different kind of treatment, and older treatment, or are just plain silly:

  • Wash my clothes in hot water twice before wearing them or washing them with anyone else's clothes.
  • Wash my bedsheets every day (seriously, who has this kind of time?).
  • Eat only cooked vegetables (this may be true later on, but probably won't).
  • Not fly on planes (yay! as long as my white blood cell count is up I can visit Jocelyn in Chicago)
So... that was kind of nice. Another interesting thing is that they said your propensity for morning sickness is usually a fair indicator of how you will do on chemo (well, I'm shit out of luck there, depending on how you look at it ;-) They also said that younger people tend to have worse nausea than older patients (maybe it's just because we complain too much!).

After the nurse left, we joked about how my only gauge for nausea is when I'm hung over. (I didn't want to say it in front of her because I didn't want her to think it was a common occurrence - no comments from the peanut gallery!) Then I had to also reassure Mom that this wasn't a common occurrence. But, when that does happen ("Twice," Rusty and I joked) Rusty is such a champ. Taking care of me, getting me water, bringing me a bear, etc. He is really quite doting, and never mad or upset or anything like that. He's had some practice ("Twice").

Anyway, after a few hours, we had a shopping list of things to buy. Some food, some medications, and some prescriptions. One annoying thing happened that may be contributing to my pukey feeling right now... They forgot to give me a prescription for an anti-nausea med that I was supposed to have an bring with me to the appointment. Oops! Don't worry, there are plenty of other anti-nausea meds I have, but I'm hoping that one is contributing to the ookieness because I'll have it for next time.

So, that's enough for me. I kind of feel gross so I'm not up for much more writing. Thank you all for your texts, e-mails, comments, thoughts, prayers, and gifts. I realized that some of you may not know what I look like, and some of you may not have seen me in a while so I decided to take another picture with my bear, too.

1 comment:

Celine said...

Dear Megan,

You look so much like your mom in your picture. It brought me back to a time long ago when I was just a "smart aleck" new chiropractor graduate. I thought I could cure anything. (Even bed-wetting!). I hope that you won't feel much worse than you do now. If the "White Cell Count" is high enough, I really would love for you to take a break and visit my fine city again. New Orleans has a way of making things alright, just as they are. We have been watching your blog, and have been with you in spirit all day long. The "Pink Ladies" at my office were especially naughty today, probably trying to distract. We all are here for you, and we love you. I will see you soon.... here or there. Love always.... Celine and the Pink Ladies. ;).

P.S. You were still witty and insightful tonight. Have a Bear on me.