Friday, April 25, 2008

Quick Update...

I know I don't typically post during the day (I do have to work sometimes after all...) but I thought I'd do a quick post of updates/additions, etc. I'm working from home today.

First, I'm feeling much better this morning. No nausea. No hunger, either, but I ate the same breakfast I normally do and it didn't make me feel sick. I've heard that there can be 2 types of nausea - (1) acute nausea (comes on quick, doesn't last long). (2) delayed nausea (takes a few days to kick in, lasts longer). At this point, I'll be happy if I stay the way I am and get sick right away but for not too long. I guess we'll see!

Next, as I was looking out the window at the chemo center I realized another thing that made me lucky. The weather! If it was winter, this would truly suck. Worcester is not at its best during the winter. At least now I can exercise outside and enjoy the temperature :-)

Also, Rusty and I will probably be going to Maine from Saturday -> Sunday, so I may blog less. I think they have one internet connection for all of Maine and we won't be anywhere near it this weekend. For all those Mainers reading my blog... JUST KIDDING! I <3 Maine.

Thank you all for your warm wishes and your wearin' o' the pink. BTW, it's tough to individually answer every comment, but I don't have everyone's e-mail and I'm VERY concerned about SPAM (so I don't want you posting it on the internet). I'm going to ask my mom to give me everyone's e-mail address, so if there's one you prefer, let her know.

Thanks, and happy working!


Celine said...



Louise said...

Hi MB,
I am so glad that you're feeling better. Now you can say that you've had hang-over symtoms three times. A triple! I've only had one myself. Actually, come to think of it, I don't even know what you're talking about ;-), so I can't really sympathize, but I have beaucoup empathy - or is it the other way around? Maybe I should practice????
Love you,

Bruce & Tracie said...

Hi Maiden,

We're thinking of you always.

This is a wonderful and thoughtful idea you have and Tracie and I appreciate your sharing.

Jeremy said...

Hi Megan,

I will write more once I finsh getting caught up, just a quick note... I am from ME, and you are correct: there is only one internet connection and it is v...e...r...y... s...l...o...w... : )
