Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Way Life Should Be

This weekend we went to Rusty's parent's summer home in Maine. Ah, Maine. When you cross into the border, the welcome sign says "Maine, The Way Life Should Be". I agree completely :-)

The summer home is in the woods on a small lake about a half hour northwest of Portland, about a three hour drive from Worcester. Whenever we go there, it's guaranteed to be a relaxing weekend full of good food, good beer, quality family time, a little bit of work, and lots of fresh air (but hopefully not too many mosquitoes).

We leisurely made our way up to Maine on Friday and got there in the late afternoon. We had a delicious supper (and just a little bit of wine) and yummy local strawberries and chocolate for dessert (and just a little bit of Kava, which is Spanish sparkling wine). Rusty's brother, Bob, and his wife, Laura, brought some "sparklers" to have a little homegrown fireworks display. While we set off ours, the other neighbors on the lake were displaying their fireworks (which were a little more than sparklers, I'd say - I think one guy spent his whole month's paycheck on his fireworks.). It was a lot of fun, and quite a pleasing and flagrant disregard for the local law.

The next day, Rusty and I went for a boat ride on the lake. It started out as a motorboat ride, but despite our best efforts, we couldn't start the motor. So, we took the rowboat instead and Rusty got a bit more of a workout than he originally intended. We also went swimming, which was my first time swimming with a bald head. It didn't feel as weird as I thought it would, but was pretty cold. While trying to get the gumption to dunk in the water, I decided having my boobs removed has one good side-effect (albeit unintended) - no more cold nipples :-)

After our swim, we relaxed on the beach a little, and then made our way back to the house for beer (just a little) with Rusty's aunt and uncle, who were over for dinner. After dinner, the four of us "kids" drove to see the official fireworks display for the town of Limington. Somehow, we forgot that the place we selected to watch from last time was probably the single worst spot (a large tree was directly in view of the display) so we camped out there again this year. After an hour and a half wait, the fireworks began. It was nice, but I liked the unsanctioned lakeside fireworks better. Also, it probably had a little something to do with waiting an hour and a half for a 20 minute show. The anticipation was just a bit too much. I'm glad we went, though - I like fireworks.

That's pretty much it - there was a lot more eating and relaxing and just enjoying each others' company, but you get the idea. I neglected to take pictures (bad blogger), except for one. This is for the beer, the wine, and the Kava. :-)

I also have a few pictures from the wedding last weekend. Thanks Kelly and Melissa!

This is of me and Sarah, my best friend. I can't believe there hasn't been a picture of her, yet. I took this picture of us in the limo on the way to the church. My sister had just called to say hello (I informed her that I was a bit busy...) so I took a picture of us to send to her.

Mom says the wig makes me look like Princess Diana.

This next picture is of Sarah, Sara (one of Vicki's friends from college) and me:

And here is me and Melissa. Can you tell how tired I am here? I've mentioned Melissa before, she's my friend from college who is currently in med school. And she is hoping to specialize in dermatology, not plastic surgery (which is what I kept saying). However, I think she should give this careful consideration because she did a wonderful job taking out the wrinkles in the photo below:
Did I say wrinkles? I didn't mean that. I meant to say she made my boobs look huge. :-)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Just making sure that neither of us look a day over our 25 years ;)