Thursday, July 24, 2008

RSS, Part Deux (or Trois)

Okay, so here's the long-awaited follow-on RSS post. (well, at least Laura is awaiting it :-) I'm going to use GReader, because I LOVE GReader (in Google We Trust).

Anyway, go to You're going to have to sign up for a new account, or log in if you already have one. Go to my blog and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. Not yet, you still have to read my post so you know what to do next. Click on the link that says "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)", and you'll be brought to a new page that has a drop-down menu where you'll find "google". Click "Subscribe Now", and then you'll want to click "Add to Google Reader". Voila! You'll see about 10 of my most recent posts, and you can select "Mark all as read" to get past them, and from now on you'll get my new posts when you log into GReader.

Okay, no more tech talk. I can already see Grandma's eyes glazing over. She has a different kind of RSS feed - it's called the "Dad prints them out and brings them to Grandma's house" feed. It's very retro :-)

So, some of the blogs I've been reading regularly are "Dress A Day," "Sewing Divas," and "Behind the Seams." All are sewing-related blogs where the bloggers discuss patterns, give tutorials, show projects in progress, recently completed projects, etc. I've always enjoyed sewing. I even sewed my wedding dress:

Anyway, so I've been learning all of these new techniques and alterations, and I've found cool new fabric stores on the web. I've really become a sewing geek. And I've been really wanting to get back to actually sewing again, but here's my conundrum - I'll spend all this time working on clothing that is not going to fit me in another couple of months. It may be tough to appreciate if you've never tried to sew anything before, but bust size is crucial to the fit of a garment. In fact, I actually have to make special alterations to a pattern to get the garment to fit my bust properly, which takes a lot more time. After surgery, I'll end up with a different enough bust size that all those alterations will be garbage. Not all that motivating, is it?

Then, Jocelyn and I were talking about cute clothes at our favorite store (Ann Taylor Loft), and about how we covet the new clothes but want to avoid spending too much on new clothes. Then I had a eureka - I could make clothes for her, too! She spends lots of time knitting me things, and I don't do a darn thing to reciprocate, so I am starting on sewing more with the idea that she will be able to wear the clothes that I can't :-) I'm still in the beginning stages of my first shirt (with all my newfound sewing expertise that I've gathered on my favorite sewing blogs), but I'm really excited to be able to resume an activity that makes me so happy :-)

Anyway, I hope you can make use of the RSS feed info. And if you can't, Grandma, I hope you enjoyed hearing about the sewing ;-)


Unknown said...

I wear the shirt with the motorcycle motif you made for me often.

Mom said...

Thanks for the instructions, Megan. I've connected to a couple of quilting sites.

Love, Mom