Monday, June 23, 2008

Feeling Good...

Nothing witty or insightful today (is there a pattern here?) but I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still doing very well. I have a little bit of muscle soreness, but that could be because I weeded my vegetable garden, planted more tomatoes (to compensate for some of the decrepit ones that died), weeded half of my perennial garden, and cleaned the house (together with Rusty). I was kind of brimming with energy and motivation because I've been feeling so crappy for the past couple of months. Maybe it's because I have no more LOST to watch... :-)

I haven't experienced any pins and needles, and thus far I am not on a special neutropenic diet. (Neutropenia is when white blood cell counts are so low that the body had a hard time fighting bacteria found in uncooked fruits and vegetables, soft cheeses, undercooked meat, etc.).

I've been really busy at work, which is such a good thing for my emotional well-being. When I'm debugging a problem I get very focussed, and that's exactly why I wanted to work through the whole ordeal.

Thank you for reading!


LilSass said...

OMG, I just noticed that you're from "Woostah". My BFF is from Woostah! So awesome!!

I am so glad to see you're feeling well. Keep it up!

Mom said...

Way to go Megan. You are an inspiration to me. I get a good kick in the butt after I read all your "fun" activities and it motivates me.

Love, Mom