Monday, May 2, 2011

Sum Ting Good

Finally, I'm feeling better.  Yesterday for dinner I was ready for my signature "get this nasty chemo feeling out of my stomach and replace it with some greasy Chinese food" meal.  I don't know what it is, but just when I'm starting to turn the corner I have a serious craving for hot and sour soup.  If it's too early, I won't be ready (we tried it a couple of days ago actually, but it wasn't quite the same).  You can't force it.  But when I'm starting to think about food belonging in my stomach again... oh that's the best part.  I'll have a hot and sour soup, some crab rangoons, maybe some chicken lo mein... yum.

So, yesterday was that day.  I had started feeling well enough to pick up the knitting and to watch a movie that required some concentration for a change.  I have been having trouble sleeping because of abdominal/liver pain, so I decided to go for the big guns yesterday to sleep.  I took an oxycodone (it's a pretty small dose actually) so that I could sleep through the night.  I woke up this morning around 5:30, refreshed and ready to start the day.

I was still a little tired and maybe not 100% out of the fog, but I decided to go to work because I just couldn't tolerate another day on the couch.  The drive in was uneventful, but the morning was a little rough as I dug out from several days of e-mail, attempting to think technically once again.

I begged my cohorts to go out for Thai food for lunch with me.  Even though I was feeling better, I knew I couldn't really tolerate just anything for lunch.  If they had chili in the cafe, I would be okay.  But if they had tuna melt or something equally gross, I would not be able to eat.  Rather than chance it, I really wanted to go for another meal of Asian deliciousness at Thai Chilli.  Oh, it was great.  I had the ginger lemongrass soup that they always serve, a Thai roll, and an order of spicy Pad Thai.  I really think that was the difference for me today, because when I walked out of work I was pretty much back to normal.

I realize this entire post is basically about food, but I can't help it.  I love food, which is why feeling sick sucks so bad!  The funny thing is when they're telling you what to eat during chemo they always tell you to avoid bold flavors or really sweet and salty foods because it might make you feel worse.  Psssh.  Not me.  I guess I am the poster child for what not to eat during chemo, but if it works I'm going to keep doing it!

Now if only I felt like I could tolerate a beer...


Unknown said...

Don't worry I have my favorite Thai place in Chicago we can visit; I'd rather read about food than read about you not being able to eat food!

Erin said...

Fantastic news. Glad you are feeling better! I too love Chinese and Thai. Happy to hear you got a good fix!

orangelaughter said...

all i can say is yummm and so glad to hear your appetite is back.

Jeanette said...

Thai food is yum! I'm so glad you got some. :) and agree with the others glad you have your appetite back.