Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Captain's Log, Day 2

Today was such a boring day.  I'm almost done for the day, so this will be quick.  I had to come in for 10 to get my blood drawn, then I took my dose of the study drug and I've had to be available to have my vitals taken, once was an hour after the dose, and the other was 4 hours after the dose.  So, I've just been sitting here in this lovely corner infusion room working on the computer and knitting a bit.  I've turned the heel on one of the socks:

I still have to do the other one, but I haven't really done much knitting today.  I should have plenty of time tomorrow, since it's another all-day appointment.

While I don't want to get too excited, I thought it would be worth mentioning that I am feeling less pain in the liver area.  The nausea is mild but manageable without meds.  The proof will be with my next scan, about 6 weeks from now.


K said...

Impressive! I'll take a pair in purple or blue :) Thanks for updating the blog, I've been thinking of you! -KellyG.

Erin said...

So happy to see all the updates!