Monday, October 13, 2008

Radiation Tomorrow

Sorry, this will be a short post, but I figured it was better to have a few words than none at all. My radiation "dry run" went very well on Friday. I met with the nurse and she went over things I should use on my skin and things I should avoid. The main side effects I'll experience are tiredness and skin irritation. After a couple of weeks, I'll get a "sun burn", and it could result in blistering (but the idea is to take care of it *before* that happens).

Tomorrow is my first day of radiation at 8:45 in the morning. The appointment should only last about 15 minutes, and I will have to go 5 days a week for about 6 and a half weeks. Oh Joy! :-)


bethanylynn said...

I hope it went well, Megan! I'm thinking of you as always...

Unknown said...

Good luck tomorrow,Megan!!!!I'll be thinking of you!As always you know where to find me if you want to talk!