Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I just wanted to send a quick update to let everyone know I'm doing great. The plastic surgeon said he was happy with the surgery. I am all bandaged up and won't be able to see the results, however, until our followup appointment on Wednesday.

My right arm actually feels better than it did before I went in to surgery (it felt like the expander was pushing on a nerve, and since the implants are softer it makes sense that I would no longer have that problem).

The pain is not too bad - on my left side the surgeon had to do more "work" with the pocket, so it hurts a bit more but I am feeling pretty good. There's no doubt that I'm certainly doing a lot better than after the last surgery.

I will probably post again after my followup, but I just wanted to say hello in the meantime. Thanks for all the well wishes!